Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lots of Things Happened...

I joined the roller derby. (See previous post).  After months of practice and pain, and money, lots of money, I finally passed assessments and am a proud member of the Vineyard Vixens!

We traveled.  First, we drove to northern Illinois for Thanksgiving.  Stayed until Sunday to avoid the DC holiday traffic. (2011 was a nightmare!).  I technically get Mondays off, so it wasn't too bad.  Then on December 21st we flew to Denver, drove to Colorado Springs, then up the pass the Woodland Park. I'm not much of a traveler.  Usually the first thing I do when I get to my in-laws is puke.  Not this time.  Quite proud of that actually, particularly considering the next point...

I got sick.  Still am, actually.  Started Wednesday before we flew to Colorado, and has been waxing and waning ever since.  The last week of January I actually had to call out of work because I had a fever and so much stuff draining out of my head I couldn't talk for the coughing.  Calling out sick causes problems due to my next point...

Lots of coworkers quit.  2 days before Thanksgiving one nurse went on maternity leave.  She wasn't supposed to leave for another week.  Apparently the doctor thought that the rash she had for the last 4 months finally needed to be treated with steroids, so they wanted to induce labor early.  Huh?  Another nurse had quit not long before that because she was sick of the commute.  The week before I called in sick the nurse practitioner quit.  She has health problems that cause her to get sick easily, and working at an office full of sick patients (and me) was not going so well.  She does have a 3 year old walking, talking, germ factory (cute though) so I wish her the best of luck.

We bought a house.  I've been waiting to write this post, because I didn't want to jinx anything.  Just around the corner from our rental we found a 1915 Sears kit home in the historic district.  Definitely a fixer-upper.   Got a good price 'cause the renters were sweet, but a nightmare.  Will be spending the next month cleaning, and fixing, and painting, and pulling, and ..... (you name it).  The renters want our current house.  I can't even begin to go in to details, I am simply looking forward to the time I no longer have to be in contact with any of these people again (renters, landlords, realtors, lawyers, etc.)