Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Christmas Wishes

Crap.  It's September, already.  I hope no one is expecting a handmade Christmas present this year.  Remember that post about being "plenty employed"?  Two of the nurses are taking over-lapping 3 week vacations (2 weeks overlapping).  Then K and I are going on our "official" honeymoon in November for 7+ days.  Not a lot of time left for sock knitting.  Maybe sock crocheting? Or scarves.  Scarves are pretty easy...  One can never have too many scarves, right?  Or maybe I should scrounge through all the stuff I've made myself over the past year (except the wedding dress).  Goodness knows I don't need both of the (almost identical) hats I just finished, on top of the 4 I made last winter.  I also have 2 beautiful shawls I can't bear to part with.  But have I ever worn a shawl?  Nope. 

Any takers? 

Then again, maybe I'll wear them this year...