Tuesday, April 5, 2011

As I was saying, the weather is just ridiculous.

Yesterday it was 80+ until well into the night.  Today I turned the heater back on when I got home from work.

Go figure.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!!!

Remember as a kid we were told "March came in like a lion and out like a lamb"?  We even made paper plate and cottonball lions and lambs.  Maybe that was in Sunday school.  I can't remember.  Well, several weeks ago (the Ides of March perhaps?) the weather was so nice we went rock climbing.  That day wasn't as warm as a few days previous, but it wasn't enough to keep us off the cliffs.  That was a Sunday.  The temperature has since steadily dipped down into the 30's and has threatened snow several times.  Actually, now that I think about it, it did snow one night, but had melted before I got out of bed for good. 

Yesterday was the opening of baseball season.  One patient was wearing a Washington Nationals jersey, because he was on his way to the game.  "It's better than working" he said.  I'm not so sure.  I don't like baseball, so I can't imagine that sitting in a drizzle for several hours (watching your team lose) would be better than work.  I guess it depends on what kind of job you have.  And how much you are a sucker for punishment.

Today the sun keeps poking out of the clouds.  I haven't looked at a weather map yet, it's been too depressing lately.  I was told Virginia was much warmer than New Hampshire, but so far not so.  Sure it was hot in September, but so was NH.  And once it started getting cold, it got cold fast.  I lived in NoCal for too long.  Even though I didn't like the rain all the time, you get used to the 50-60 degree temps year-round.  Lately I've only enjoyed a month or so in the fall, and a month or so in the spring, when the temperature resembles NoCal. 

I'm well aware that I'll soon be complaining that it is 'too hot'.  Deal with it.