I still have a few days before the month is over.
I suppose a lot has been going on, but it still doesn't feel like it. I go to work. Everyday feels like a Monday. Just when I think I've got things figured out, I'm told I've forgotten something else.
I feel guilty because I work at an allergy clinic and I can't wait for things to start blooming. Which, they are! Not that a little 70 degree weather hurt any. There were little purple flowers in the neighbors lawn. I'm sure she can't wait to mow them down, but I think they're pretty. The first hint of spring. Of course it's supposed to snow 4-6 inches tonight. Hopefully a warm, wet snow, that helps things bloom even faster.
I've been trying to plan a wedding. So far Karl is the only one whose accomplished any of that. He got a church, and an officiant. I've got 15 different swatches of yarn, designating the many attempts to find a yarn to make a dress. Every time I think I've found 'the one' I find it has been discontinued. At least the color I want. To add insult to injury, the pattern I chose is also particularly difficult due to poor writing. I'm tempted to re-write the whole thing before I begin. At least I'm not the first person to make it. People on Ravelry have very helpful ideas on how to fix the pattern, so the dress actually fits. So I ordered purple yarn, which was approved by both Mom and Karl. When it arrived, I almost choked. It was bright fuchsia. Not quite 'wedding dress' as 'tropical island getaway'. Or maybe Vegas wedding dress. But we gave up the Vegas idea. Now I'm onto silver. I only hope they ship it before it goes out of stock forever, too.
I did make invitations. It cost more to make 7 invitations than it would have cost to buy 100. But they're super cute. If you know you're already invited, they should be sent out Wednesday, just as soon as I buy cuter stamps. Not that I don't like American flags and pine cones... Oh, and I found rings. We resorted to the internet to find something more unique than the average jewelry store. I know Karl is skeptical, but everyone I know (including his jewelry making friend) has had good success with Etsy. The seller was super fast, and accommodating to all my questions. I'm sure we'll love them.
Like the title says, without Etsy and Ravelry I'd be a lot further behind in this wedding thing than I already am.